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When I was in college, I read Skinny Bitch out of curiosity.

When I was in college, I read Skinny Bitch out of curiosity. It left me with mixed feelings. Do I think veganism is right for everyone? No. I don't even think it leads to great agriculture. What I do think is that whole foods & conscious eating = a great feeling body. Why does this matter?

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At the back of Skinny Bitch is a four-week plan to kick of your new, lighter, amazing vegan life. I've started it a few times. It's nice but then I honestly end up hungry. And then I end up broke. There are a lot of ingredients. And a lot of rigidityfoods from all seasons & no use of leftovers. This is a plan that's insane for one person to do on their own.

My first go at vegetarianism was a lot of soy-based "chicken nuggets" that we're really no different for my body than the equally processed meat counterparts. The closer the food is to it's original form, the higher the nutrient value will be. Do I love veggie burgers? Yes. But for this food plan, I kicked out the veggie hot dogs & opted for as nutritiouswhile still deliciousa food plan as I could.

Now, I know the point of the plan is to show you can eat a variety. But I wanted to make the plan work as a real introduction to the frugality and joy of seasonal, largely vegan eating. I took the plan, tweaked it so that it can be used year-round & lightened the grocery list.

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Lastly, I absolutely ought to note the outline for this important post has been presented through Tom over at Undeniably an impressive personal trainers. I truly enjoy a useful idea!

Article Inspirations - I swear the next time, it's me returning the favor.

Posted in Organic Products Post Date 05/15/2017




